Archive for the ‘All Articles’ Category
Estimation of the Impact of Global Warming on Snow Depth in Japan by the Pseudo-Global-Warming Method
Masayuki Hara, Takao Yoshikane, Hiroaki Kawase and Fujio Kimura
Release Date: December 25, 2008
Reproducibility of the seasonal cycles of land-surface hydrological variables in Japanese 25-year Reanalysis
Tosiyuki Nakaegwa
Release Date: November 23, 2008
Developing a three-dimensional coupled model of pipe-matrix subsurface flow
Hyunuk An, Yutaka Ichikawa, Yasuto Tachikawa and Michiharu Shiiba
Release Date: October 13, 2008
Importance of wind-induced undercatch adjustment in a gauge-based analysis of daily precipitation over Japan
Nobuyuki Utsumi, Shinjiro Kanae, Hyungjun Kim, Shinta Seto, Taikan Oki, Tomoko Nitta and Yukiko Hirabayashi
Release Date: October 7, 2008
Reply to comment by Ben-Zvi and Givati on ‘First super-high-resolution model projection that the ancient “Fertile Crescent” will disappear in this century’
Akio Kitoh, Akiyo Yatagai and Pinhas Alpert
Release Date: September 24, 2008