Archive for the ‘All Articles’ Category

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A reservoir operation based on simple inflow prediction for flood control and water resources management in the Chi River Basin, Northeastern Thailand

Shunta Nakamura, Taichi Tebakari
Received 15 November, 2023
Accepted 14 February, 2024
Published online 28 June, 2024

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Variations of the groundwater flow system due to heavy rainfall in Unzen Volcano, Japan

Miku Ishibashi, Koichi Sakakibara, Keisuke Suzuki, Makoto Kagabu
Received 6 December, 2023
Accepted 7 March, 2024
Published online 20 June, 2024

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Synergies overcome trade-offs between climate policy and water-related SDG targets

Andi Besse Rimba, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Yuzuru Kawamitsu, Taikan Oki, Masashi Kiguchi, Daisuke Tokuda, Naota Hanasaki, Zhipin Ai, Toshichika Iizumi, Noriko Nozaki, Wonsik Kim
Received 14 November, 2023
Accepted 6 February, 2024
Published online 7 June, 2024

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A brief review of recent global trends in suspended sediment estimation studies

Sheikh Hefzul Bari, Yoshiyuki Yokoo, Chris Leong
Received 11 July, 2023
Accepted 1 March, 2024
Published online 13 April, 2024

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The geographical location of irrigation reservoirs: application of a species distribution model considering downstream beneficiaries in the predictor variables

Yuki Ishikawa, Fumiko Ishihama, Naota Hanasaki
Received 10 November, 2023
Accepted 22 January, 2024
Published online 26 March, 2024

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