Archive for the ‘All Articles’ Category

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Absorption and emission of water vapor from the bark of teak (Tectona grandis), a deciduous tree, in a tropical region during the dry season

Hiroyuki Matsunaga, Naoko Matsuo, Takahisa Nakai, Natsuko Yoshifuji, Nobuaki Tanaka, Katsunori Tanaka, Chatchai Tantasirin
Received 2021/04/19, Accepted 2021/05/20, Published 2021/07/20

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Global integrated modeling framework of riverine dissolved inorganic nitrogen with seasonal variation

Yizhou Huang, Daisuke Tokuda, Xudong Zhou, Taikan Oki
Received 2021/03/09, Accepted 2021/05/22, Published 2021/07/15

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A methodology to examine a depth-discharge constitutive equation for rainfall-runoff modelling

Yutaka Ichikawa, Hyunuk An, Yasuto Tachikawa
Received 2021/02/19, Accepted 2021/05/10, Published 2021/06/29

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Detectability of variation in river flood from satellite images

Yukiko Hirabayashi, Haireti Alifu, Dai Yamazaki, ‪Gennadii Donchyts, Yuki Kimura
Received 2021/04/05, Accepted 2021/05/18, Published 2021/06/22

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Analyzing the bias in dry weather spot flow rates to periodical mean flow rates in mountain streams: toward determining water pollution loads and optimizing water sampling strategies

Ami Tanno, Shigeki Harada
Received 2020/12/04, Accepted 2021/02/23, Published 2021/05/11

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