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Characteristics of soil and hillslope responses in humid tropical forests in Sumatra, Indonesia

Takahiro Sayama, Ryoko Araki, Kodai Yamamoto, Apip
Received 2020/12/10, Accepted 2021/03/02, Published 2021/04/15

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A small non-research vessel as a platform for lake surface flux measurements

Michiaki Sugita, Jingyuan Wang, Chao Zang, Fumiyoshi Kondo
Received 2020/12/03, Accepted 2021/02/12, Published 2021/04/06

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Global high-resolution estimation of cropland suitability and its comparative analysis to actual cropland distribution

Yuki Ishikawa, Dai Yamazaki
Received 2020/12/02, Accepted 2021/01/26, Published 2021/04/01

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Potential of representing the diurnal cycle of local-scale precipitation in northeastern Thailand using 5-km and 2-km grid regional climate models

Izuru Takayabu, Noriko N. Ishizaki, Tosiyuki Nakaegawa, Hidetaka Sasaki, Waranyu Wongseree
Received 2020/09/14, Accepted 2020/11/20, Published 2021/02/13

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Assessing climate change impacts on extreme rainfall and severe flooding during the summer monsoon season in the Ishikari River basin, Japan

Thu Thanh Nguyen, Makoto Nakatsugawa, Tomohito J. Yamada, Tsuyoshi Hoshino
Received 2020/00/00, Accepted 2020/00/00, Published 2020/00/00

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